Daily Routine for Acne-Prone Skin

A good daily skincare regime is essential for all. But it's daunting to find the right skincare regime when your skin is acne-prone. But before starting your skincare regime one should understand what is causing the acne and when you are prone to acne. This skincare regime including 4 steps will help you achieve clear, acne-free, glowing skin.  



Deep cleansing is the key to any skincare routine. Deep cleansing helps remove the dirt, pollution, sweat, extra oil, and makeup from your skin leaving it clean for your acne treatment products.  


Hence choosing the right cleanser is of prime importance. Cream-based cleansers for acne-prone skin are best suited as they are not too harsh on the skin and create a layer of additional protection to your skin. It's ideal to clean your face twice a day, once in the morning before starting your morning skincare routine and once before bed.  



In order to fight acne, you would like to hit it where it starts—in the pore. Regular exfoliation helps to stay the pores freed from excess skin cells and oil. Exfoliation removes dead somatic cell buildup, reduces the formation of comedones, and helps smooth and soften the skin. 


Grainy face and body scrubs immediately come to mind, but they could not be the simplest exfoliating products for acne-prone skin. Scrubs can irritate the skin if you are not using them gently. Many acne protection products come with self-exploitation itself, so you might not need any extra exfoliation products.  


Caution: Avoid grain scrubs for the face and body as they might irritate your skin if not applied gently.  



Toners and astringents are used after cleansing, to leave your skin feeling refreshed. Astringents are ​in particular designed to get rid of extra oil from the skin. Some additionally include blemish-preventing substances like salicylic acid. 


But those are not a vital part of your daily pores and skincare routine. Deciding to apply an astringent, or not, relies upon many factors. If your pores and skin are sensitive, dry, or irritated from your acne treatments, toners and astringents may do extra damage than good. 



 Its a myth that oily skin doesn’t require moisturising. But oily and acne-prone skin also requires moisturization. Moisturisers don't only keep your skin hydrated but also provide clarity and improve the texture of your skin. The moisturiser also feels easy on your skin due to its light texture. Gel-based skincare is also effective for treating open pores and other skin woes and prevents further pimple breakouts. It also balances pigmentation by balancing oil secretion.  



Practising this skincare routine daily will help you see results. However, apart from skincare routine, making minute changes in your lifestyle also helps in preventing acne.